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Dataset Details

National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) - Outcomes File, Cohort Age 17 in FY2011, Waves 1-3 (Complete)

Dataset Number: 202

Current Data Version: 2


Children's Bureau, Department of Health and Human Services


The John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP) was initiated in an effort to improve outcomes for youth in foster care who are likely to reach their 18th birthday without having found a permanent home. The program provides funding to states to develop and administer programs designed to help ease the transition from foster care to independence.

The law that created CFCIP also required states to develop 1) a system for tracking the services provided through CFCIP, and 2) a method for collecting outcome measures so that the effectiveness of the program can be assessed.

These two components together form the National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD). The files contain data from all 50 states, as well as from the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

The Outcomes component (this dataset) contains the results of surveys conducted with youth to examine certain well-being, financial, and educational outcomes as they get older. Data from a survey on outcomes for a cohort of youth is provided every other year beginning with federal fiscal year 2011 (Oct 1, 2010 through Sep 30, 2011). There are three phases of outcome data for a given cohort -- a baseline survey during the year of the youth’s 17 birthday, and two follow-ups: one at age 19, one at age 21. New cohorts will be established every three years (2014, 2017, 2020…) after the initial one in FY2011.

The Services component contains cross-sectional information on the services provided by states under CFCIP and the youth who receive those services. Data are submitted by the states every 6 months on a continuing basis.

Bibliographic Citation

Children's Bureau, Administration On Children, Youth And Families, Administration For Children And Families, U. S. Department Of Health And Human Services (2016). National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) - Outcomes File, Cohort Age 17 in FY2011, Waves 1-3 (Complete) [Dataset]. National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect.

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