National Survey on Child and Adolescent Well-being (NSCAW)
User Support
Investigators licensed to access NSCAW Restricted Release data must keep their license information current: please email to report changes. If your license will expire soon and you need continued access to the NSCAW Restricted data, then please replace your Restricted Data license before your license expiration.
- Overview of NSCAW I and II (PDF)
- How to Create A Complex Samples Analysis Plan for the NSCAW Datasets (PDF)
- How to Calculate Child's Age in months at the end of the Investigation Using the NSCAW Restricted Release Dataset, CPS Sample
- Correct PPH8A format error-Restricted Release2.sps
- Correct PPH8A format error-Restricted
- NSCAW Alert: Caseworker re-reports of Maltreatment are Under-represented (PDF)
Videos and Presentations
- Comparing NSCAW I and NSCAW II Using Calibration Weights
Paul Biemer, Sara Wheeless, and Keith Smith - RTI International
Elliott Smith, Holly Larrabee - NDACAN
January 22, 2014, Webinar
Video | Slides (PDF) | Video Transcript