Contributing Data to NDACAN
Archiving Application Process
Thank you for considering NDACAN as the archive to preserve and disseminate your quantitative child welfare research data. Before you proceed, please review these two documents to understand the entire archiving process and to learn what types of data NDACAN does not archive:
1. Download and read the NDACAN Archiving Checklist for Dataset Packages (PDF). Complete the Investigator Contact Sheet (PDF) and Study Submission Form: Part I (PDF) electronically, save the files, and send them to the NDACAN Support & Acquisitions Specialist via e-mail attachment:
2. The Support & Acquisitions Specialist will schedule a conference call to discuss your dataset. The results of the discussion will determine the next steps. Here are some of the things that will be discussed during the call:
- Unique qualities of the study
- Potential confidentiality concerns
- Data file format (SPSS, SAS, Stata)
- Next steps in the archiving process
If NDACAN decides to archive the data, some of the items the Contributor will need to provide are (starred * items are required):
- *(required) Study Submission Form: Part II (PDF) and Part III (Excel format)
- *(required) Signed Contributors Agreement
- *(required) The data file or files (preferably in SPSS, SAS, or Stata)
- *(required) Reprints of articles (in .pdf, if possible)
- *(required) A copy of the informed consent form (for internal use only)
- *(required) Codebook
- *(required) Final report
- *(required) Study protocol
- *(required) Copy of the IRB's letter of approval (for internal use only)
- Data collection instruments information (use the Study Submission: Instrument Information Form (PDF))
- Accompanying computer programs (e.g. syntax for linking files or deriving variables)
- Variable labels in computer-readable form (e.g. Variable label commands in SPSS or SAS)
- Glossary of terms related to the project
3. Please review all string variables for potential identifiers and remove them from the files or recode them into new variables.
4. Place all documents into one .zip folder in preparation for upload to the Cornell Dropbox. Instructions and password for depositing the dataset with NDACAN will be provided during your conference call with the Support & Acquisitions Specialist.