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NDACAN Measure Details

LONGSCAN Child Health & Development [Adapted from the UNOCCAP Study and the Pubertal Development Scale]


Knight, E. D., Smith, J. S., Martin, L. M., Lewis, T., & the LONGSCAN Investigators (2008). Measures for Assessment of Functioning and Outcomes in Longitudinal Research on Child Abuse-Volume 3: Early Adolescence (Ages 12-14). Retrieved from:

LONGSCAN Investigators (1998). LONGSCAN child health and development [Instrument adapted from the UNOCCAP study and the pubertal development study]. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Injury Prevention Research Center. Retrieved from:

Peterson, A.C., Tobin-Richards, M., & Boxer, A., (1983). Puberty: Its measurement and its meaning. Journal of Early Adolescence, 3(1-2), 47-62. doi: 10.1177/027243168331005

UNOCCAP Oversight Board (1998). Charting the mental health status and service needs of children: Recommendations from the UNOCCAP oversight board. Retrieved from: