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NDACAN Measure Details

LONGSCAN Interviewer Ratings of Caregiver Respondent and Home Environment [Partially adapted from Bradley & Caldwell, 1979 and Bradley, Caldwell, & Rock, 1988]


Hunter, W.M., Cox, C.E., Teagle, S., Johnson, R.M., Mathew, R., Knight, E.D., & the LONGSCAN Investigators (2003). Measures for Assessment of Functioning and Outcomes in Longitudinal Research on Child Abuse- Volume 1: Early Childhood. Retrieved from:

Hunter, W.M., Cox, C.E., Teagle, S., Johnson, R.M., Mathew, R., Knight, E.D., & the LONGSCAN Investigators (2003). Measures for Assessment of Functioning and Outcomes in Longitudinal Research on Child Abuse- Volume 2: Middle Childhood. Retrieved from:

Bradley, R.H., & Caldwell, B.M. (1979). HOME observation for measurement of the environment: A revision of the preschool scale. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 84(3), 235-244.

Bradley, R.H., Caldwell, B.M., & Rock, S.L. (1988). HOME environment and school performance: A ten-year follow-up and examination of three models of environmental action. Child Development, 59(4), 852-867. Retrieved from:

LONGSCAN Investigators (1991). LONGSCAN interviewer ratings of caregiver respondent and home environment [Instrument partially adapted from Bradley & Caldwell, 1979 and Bradley, Caldwell, & Rock, 1988]. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Injury Prevention Research Center. Retrieved from: