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Child-Maltreatment-Research-L (CMRL) List Serve

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Welcome to the archive of past Child-Maltreatment-Research-L (CMRL) list serve messages (11,000+). The table below contains all past CMRL messages (text only, no attachments) from Nov. 20, 1996 - April 4, 2024 and is updated every two months.

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Message ID: 11077
Date: 2022-03-28

Author:Tamara Hurst

Subject:Human Trafficking Assessment Tools and Child Forensic Interviews

Greetings, I am working with our state’s youth courts to implement human trafficking assessments. My concern is how implementation of these assessments might affect subsequent forensic interviews, especially since the assessments require asking youth direct questions. Is anyone investigating a possible interaction between human trafficking assessments and forensic interviews of youth? Thank you, Tamara Tamara E. Hurst, Ph.D., LCSW Associate Professor, School of Social Work Mississippi Human Trafficking Council PI, Mississippi Wraparound Institute The University of Southern Mississippi 601-266-4173

Greetings, I am working with our state’s youth courts to implement human trafficking assessments. My concern is how implementation of these assessments might affect subsequent forensic interviews, especially since the assessments require asking youth direct questions. Is anyone investigating a possible interaction between human trafficking assessments and forensic interviews of youth? Thank you, Tamara Tamara E. Hurst, Ph.D., LCSW Associate Professor, School of Social Work Mississippi Human Trafficking Council PI, Mississippi Wraparound Institute The University of Southern Mississippi 601-266-4173