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Child-Maltreatment-Research-L (CMRL) List Serve

Browse All Past CMRL Messages

Welcome to the archive of past Child-Maltreatment-Research-L (CMRL) list serve messages (11,000+). The table below contains all past CMRL messages (text only, no attachments) from Nov. 20, 1996 - April 4, 2024 and is updated every two months.

Instructions: Postings are listed for browsing with the newest messages first. Click on the linked ID number to see a message.

Message ID: 11024
Date: 2021-12-14

Author:Klein, Sacha

Subject:Shared Parenting Models/Approaches/Best Practices

Dear All, I am working on pulling together the available peer-reviewed and gray literature on “shared parenting” (i.e. cooperative/supportive parenting partnerships between birth parents and temporary caregivers of foster youth). If you have knowledge of interventions with this aim and/or reports/articles that address this type of work, would you mind sharing? Thank you! Sacha

Dear All, I am working on pulling together the available peer-reviewed and gray literature on “shared parenting” (i.e. cooperative/supportive parenting partnerships between birth parents and temporary caregivers of foster youth). If you have knowledge of interventions with this aim and/or reports/articles that address this type of work, would you mind sharing? Thank you! Sacha