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Child-Maltreatment-Research-L (CMRL) List Serve

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Welcome to the archive of past Child-Maltreatment-Research-L (CMRL) list serve messages (11,000+). The table below contains all past CMRL messages (text only, no attachments) from Nov. 20, 1996 - April 4, 2024 and is updated every two months.

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Message ID: 10941
Date: 2021-05-26

Author:Morgan Cooley

Subject:Caseworker Accuity and Case Assignments

Good Afternoon, I am working with a child welfare agency who is interested in the possibility of assigning dependency cases to case managers by acuity level, such as degree level, degree type, or professional certifications. Does anyone have knowledge of this practice or seen any research regarding acuity and dependency case management? In addition, is anyone familiar with any research or information regarding assigning case managers by maltreatment type (sexual abuse, physical abuse)? Thank you for any helpful information or suggestions you may have. Morgan ••• Morgan Cooley, Ph.D., LCSW she/her/hers Assistant Professor Phyllis & Harvey Sandler School of Social Work FAU College of Social Work & Criminal Justice Google Scholar Profile facebook | instagram | twitter

Good Afternoon, I am working with a child welfare agency who is interested in the possibility of assigning dependency cases to case managers by acuity level, such as degree level, degree type, or professional certifications. Does anyone have knowledge of this practice or seen any research regarding acuity and dependency case management? In addition, is anyone familiar with any research or information regarding assigning case managers by maltreatment type (sexual abuse, physical abuse)? Thank you for any helpful information or suggestions you may have. Morgan ••• Morgan Cooley, Ph.D., LCSW she/her/hers Assistant Professor Phyllis & Harvey Sandler School of Social Work FAU College of Social Work & Criminal Justice Google Scholar Profile facebook | instagram | twitter