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Message ID: 10524
Date: 2018-10-29

Author:Lisa Fontes

Subject:research on gender norms/violence in the Virgin Islands/West Indies/Caribbean

Dear Colleagues, I am working on a situation in St. Croix, part of the U.S. Virgin Islands. I know the area called "the West Indies" is quite diverse, and "the Caribbean" even more diverse. Nevertheless, since I have come up with virtually nothing on cultural norms, and particularly gender norms, in the U.S. Virgin Islands, I'd like to broaden my search a bit. If folks are aware of great readings/studies/information on any of the above, kindly send me links or articles or citations. I am especially interested in information on gender norms/gendered violence, etc. Feel free to communicate directly with me if you prefer. My university email is: Many thanks. Lisa Fontes, Ph.D. Author: * Child Abuse & Culture: Working with Diverse Families * Invisible Chains: Overcoming Coercive Control in Your Intimate Relationship * Interviewing Clients Across Cultures

Dear Colleagues, I am working on a situation in St. Croix, part of the U.S. Virgin Islands. I know the area called "the West Indies" is quite diverse, and "the Caribbean" even more diverse. Nevertheless, since I have come up with virtually nothing on cultural norms, and particularly gender norms, in the U.S. Virgin Islands, I'd like to broaden my search a bit. If folks are aware of great readings/studies/information on any of the above, kindly send me links or articles or citations. I am especially interested in information on gender norms/gendered violence, etc. Feel free to communicate directly with me if you prefer. My university email is: Many thanks. Lisa Fontes, Ph.D. Author: * Child Abuse & Culture: Working with Diverse Families * Invisible Chains: Overcoming Coercive Control in Your Intimate Relationship * Interviewing Clients Across Cultures