National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect. Using NDACAN's New Zotero canDL. Welcome to this short tutorial: Using the new Zotero child abuse and neglect Digital Library, from the National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect. This video uses the following acronyms: NDACAN is the National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect. canDL is the child abuse and neglect Digital Library. In this tutorial you will learn: What the child abuse and Neglect Digital Library is. How canDL can help you with research. How to access the canDL, including: How to find research that used NDACAN datasets and how to access full-text articles; How to export references, where to find instructions to use Zotero with other software packages, and how to find research on child maltreatment topics in canDL. What is the child abuse and neglect Digital Library? canDL is a collection of works about NDACAN datasets, secondary research, and child maltreatment. It is a Zotero database. Zotero is a free online tool for managing references. You do NOT need to register for a Zotero account to use canDL. Use canDL to: find research based on a dataset, view full-text articles, find information and research on child maltreatment, and export citations in APA and other styles. How can canDL can help me with my research? Secondary analysis is the re-examination of data from previous studies. High quality data from well-funded, large-scale studies have significant potential for discovery. Secondary analysis can result in original publishable works, refine research questions prior to primary data collection, or replicate findings of an earlier study. Secondary analysis can be cheaper and faster than traditional research, can allow analyses on larger samples, and can make use of data collected by respected scholars. If you want to analyze an NDACAN dataset, you can use canDL to see what has already been published using that data. This can inform your research plan. How do I access the canDL? To access canDL, go to the NDACAN website at and click on Publications in the upper right-hand corner. You are now on the canDL home page. To Search canDL, Click on a canDL link on this page. OR Click on the button to a Dataset or the link to a Special Collection. If you use assistive technology and need to access canDL in another format, please contact us at How do I find research that used NDACAN datasets? To find research on an NDACAN dataset, click on the button for that dataset. For example, to find research on the Longitudinal Studies of Child Abuse and Neglect, click on the LONGSCAN button. You can see a list of LONGSCAN-related citations. You know they are LONGSCAN-related because the LONGSCAN button is highlighted. Click the LONGSCAN button again to un-highlight it. You now see the canDL with ALL dataset-related citations included. Click the NCANDS button. You now see all NCANDS-related citations. Click the NIS(1 to 4) button. With both the NCANDS and NIS(1 to 4) buttons highlighted, you now see citations of works that used both NCANDS and NIS data. To change the fields you are viewing. Click the Library Settings Icon at the top right-hand of the screen. Check the boxes for fields you want to appear. Title is checked by default. We will check Creator, Item Type, Year, and Publication, and uncheck any other boxes. The display has changed. To sort, we can click on any header. Click on an item to see the full citation record and abstract. The Tags show what dataset this reference is about. Click the DOI or URL link to access the full-text article. Permission for full-text access depends on the subscriptions of your organization for the computer account you are using. Let's return to our search in canDL. How do I export references? To cut and paste formatted reference citations, check the boxes for citations you want to export. Click on the Cite Icon in the top-right corner of the screen. Select a style from the drop-down box. You can cut-and-paste this text into a document. Be sure to check for formatting errors. How do I use canDL with other software, or to create my own Zotero collection? To export citations to your own reference management software or your own Zotero account, click on the Export Icon in the top-right corner. Choose a format that is compatible with your reference management software and save the file with the correct extension. Import per your software instructions. Detailed instructions can be found on the NDACAN website Publications page from the link "canDL instructions" on the left-hand side of the page. How do I find research on other topics? NDACAN holds Special Collections on topics of interest to child maltreatment researchers. Current available Special Collections include: Archiving -a collection on the practice of data archiving, Secondary Analysis -a collection on doing secondary analysis research, Differential Response -a collection on alternative and differential response in child welfare, and Substantiation, Race, and SES -a collection on the interrelationship among Child Protective Services maltreatment substantiation, race and ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. To access these collections, go to the canDL home page on the NDACAN Web site and scroll to the bottom. Click on the link for the Special Collection. Use Zotero the way you learned in this tutorial. This concludes the Using NDACAN's New Zotero canDL video tutorial. Please email the Archive if you have any questions. The email address is Thank you. The National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect is a project of the Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research at Cornell University. Funding for NDACAN is provided by the Children's Bureau.